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Get ready for 2019

22 november 2018
No more compromises. Your goals deserve a board that’s built to perform. One goal, one board. In our collection wakeboards there’s a board for everyone, no matter your goal. Next month the new wakeboards for 2019 will be released, today you can take a first look at some of the unique prints that will be used in next year’s boards.

Get ready for 2019
Stay tuned for something completely different. After a development process where it’s tweaked to perfection, this new addition to the family will blow your socks…

A gentlemen’s agreement: the Concord
Get ready for 2019
The popular Jobe Concord is back again in 2019. This flexboard’s design makes us dream of the watersports season again.

Experience your natural high: the Pitch
Get ready for 2019
The Jobe Pitch stands for traction and flex. Its design stands for pure class.

No introduction needed: the Conflict
Get ready for 2019
Jobe’s most popular wakeboard needs no introduction. The stylish black color and design are ready for another year full of highlights.

A ladies’ favourite: the Armada
Get ready for 2019
What’s the value of a gentlemen’s agreement for the ladies? The Jobe Armada has the inner of the Concord, but it’s outer is no compromise at all. Show who you really are with this unique design.

These designs are only the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned for when all other boards get revealed!
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