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Why the Chipper is the ultimate boat board this summer

7 june 2018
For some people a day of relaxing looks something like laying on the beach or cruising down the water in a boat. For others relaxing equals excitement. Excitement, friends, family, a warm day and a boat is all you need to have an incredible day this summer. The Jobe Chipper is the ultimate multi-position board to bring with you that day: anything is possible so what can you do?!

Position 1: Kneeling
Anything is possible. The Chipper is a playground for everybody; children and adults! The best thing about the Chipper is that literally any position you can think of is possible. When you are behind the boat, you can start by kneeling on the board and hold the handles.

Why the Chipper is the ultimate boat board this summer

Position 2: Standing up

When you think hey, I’ve had enough of kneeling, you can stand up unhook the handle from the board and become a true pro wakeboarder!

Why the Chipper is the ultimate boat board this summer

Position 3: Sitting

After that, when your arms tell you that they need some rest you can sit down on the board and just chill while the boat does all the work. All you need to do is hold on.

Why the Chipper is the ultimate boat board this summer

Position 4: Laying on your stomach

Last but not least, there is another position that we have to tell you about: laying on your stomach. You can lay on your stomach on the Chipper and all you have to do is hold the handles, otherwise you will fall off. Experience speed and feel like a true Superman/Superwoman! However, don’t let these 4 positions limit you, what more positions can you think of?

Why the Chipper is the ultimate boat board this summer

The Chipper is designed so that you can move easily. It is easy to handle and we guarantee you will have a great day on the water!

So are you ready for an incredible day filled with excitement and fun? Bring the Chipper with you and hold on tight! Discover our new multi-position board now

Anything is possible with the Chipper. Check out the official action movie now!

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