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Jobe team RESULTS

18 septiembre 2013
This weekend the Jobe team gained so many great results. Now it is time for a result recap!

First, we had the Dutch boat wakeboard Nationals this weekend. We had two riders at the podium: Tommy Swaan took 2nd place in the Junior men category and Jorrit Linders ended 3rd in the Open men category.

Besides wakeboarding, the Dutch Kiteboard enthusiastics could finally get ready for their Nationals as wel! Dylan van der Meij ended 3rd and Steven Akkersdijk took 5th place.

Not only in the Netherlands, but also in Belgium the wakeboard boat Nationals were organized this weekend. Jobe rider Aurélien Dolhet took 3rd place in the Pro men category. and Christian Zwartjes is National Champ in the Master I and II category!

Jobe wakeboarder Austin Hair was pumped to stand on top of the podium with his 1st place at Wake the Lake!

Jobe PWC rider Antoine Goethals celebrates his second title in a row in the JetCross Tour 2013 in France. He wins the time trial and also the two first series.
Jobe female PWC athlete Jennifer Ménard won the Women’s Overall category and took 5th place of the 46 competitors in the Ski Amateur category @ the last round of Freegun JetCross Tour.
Jobe team RESULTS Jobe team RESULTS

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