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Perfecting vest sizing

12 mayo 2017
Perfecting vest sizing

Providing you with a perfectly fitting vest which properly matches your body type is important to us. Last year we already made quite some progress with respect to sizing, by introducing ‘in between’ sizes for some of our vests. The introduction of these sizes came about as follows. Step one was to acknowledge that people’s sizes may not always be classifiable as, for example, “small” or “large”. Step 2 was providing an alternative for people that are, for example, a little bigger than “small”, or a little bit smaller than “large”.
Because I noticed that we’re actually helping out a lot of people struggling to find the right size, I decided to continue the development of the in between sizes. As a result, all men’s vests as well as all nylon unisex vests, will come in a wide range of sizes next season! If you’re looking for some more information, check out the video!

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