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Exclusive interview with Rocco van Straten

6 mars 2012
Exclusive interview with Rocco van Straten
Recently Rocco signed his contract at Jobe! As we always grab this opportunity for interviewing we can again surprise you with an exclusive interview.

Rocco is 20 years old and lives in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. Besides a gifted snowboarder, Rocco is one of the most talented wakeboard riders as well. In 2010 Rocco became European Champion cable and boat and in 2011 he competed in the ‘Pro Men’ category for the first time. At the Protest Cable Call he came 5th and at the Europeans he came 6th Read the interview to read more about Jobe’s new successful catch!

1. What is going through your mind right now?
I am looking forward to the summer for wakeboarding, and my recovering from my snowboard injury.

2. What did you eat last night?
I ate something typically Dutch called a “Broodje Frikadel Speciaal” it is a sandwich with a sausage and lots of Curry and unions. I ate it with chicken soup.

3. If you would possess the power of a super hero, which one would you be?
The Hulk

4. Why?
Because he is unbreakable!

5. What is your favourite quote and where is it from?
“Don’t ever think, just do it” It is a quote which I invented myself.

6. If you could bring three things to an uninhabited island, what would they be?
A laptop, friends and a wakeboard.

7. Have you ever read a “......... for Dummies book?”
No, I never read.

8. What is your favourite day of the week and why?
Friday, that’s when the chaos begins!

9. Do you like cooking? If yes, what do you like to cook?
Yes, I like cooking. I always cook for the snowboard team in the winter.

10. If no, who is cooking for you?
My mom or Diane.

11. How many times did you see “The Titanic”?
2 times

12. How many times did you try to avoid “The Titanic”?

13. What is your favourite “made in China” product?
My MacBook

14. What were you afraid of when you were a little child?

15. Who were afraid of you when you were a little child?
No one

16. Have you ever made a decision by tossing a coin? If yes, which one?
Yes, with competitions. Who is going to start first?

17. What is the most embarrassing nickname your parents gave you?
“De Bolle” which is Dutch for Chubby. I was a little chubby when I was little.

18. Which famous person would you like to meet?
Doutzen Kroes (a Dutch model)

19. If you were invited to a “Saints and Sinners” party, what would you wear?
As a gigolo!

20. How many languages do you speak?
3; Dutch, English and German

21. If you could be another person for one day, who will it be and what would you do?
I would like to be a girl for one day, just to check how things are going on ‘the other side’ ;)

22. How many pairs of shoes have you got?
If you count my Uggs and my snow boots as well, I have 8 pairs of shoes.

23. At what time do you wake up?
When I have to...

24. Which song do you sign out loud when it is on the radio?
Michel Teló – Ai se eu te pego

25. Who makes you happy?
My friends and mum and daddy

26. Who is your favourite cartoon hero?
Otto Rockit from Rockit Power!

27. What is the most useless thing you have ever bought?
The game “Battle Field 3” as it was only made for Windows and not for my MacBook!

28. Pick one and tell us why:
- Sea or lake?
Sea, because it’s never ending and more beautiful.

- Canal or lake?
Canal, because there is more chaos! There are different corners when you can ride with you wakeboard.

- Asleep or awake?
Asleep, as you don’t have to do anything.

- Free ride or contest?
Free ride, because it is much more fun with your friends.

- By car or by plane?
By plane, because it is much faster!

- Single or girlfriend?
Single! Just take all you can get! ;)

- Cash or credit card?
Credit card as it is much easier!

- Sweet or sour?
Sweet, is much tastier!

- Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan?
Bruce Lee, I like his style!

- Alcohol or non-alcohol?
Alcohol, is more fun!

- UK or USA?
USA as the country is much more beautiful!

- Safe or dangerous?
Dangerous. Life is a challenge.

- Take away or restaurant?
Restaurant, nicer atmosphere.

- Superman or Spiderman?
Spiderman, because you can’t see his face, so he always stay anonymous.

- Batman or Robin?
Batman; he’s the Boss!
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