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The Jobe Hilarious Blooper Contest!

5 octobre 2010
Recently, Jobe set up the Hilarious Blooper Contest to give you the chance to win an awesome price. The only thing you have to do is send in your ultimate water sports blooper. This may be a video and / or picture of you falling, experiencing starting problems or other funny things happening to you; Just make us laugh! Furthermore, we would like to know your story behind the blooper. This story can be uploaded together with the water sports blooper. The person with the most hilarious blooper will be rewarded with a great price.

The winner of the Jobe Hilarious Blooper Contest may choose 300 Euro worth of Jobe products out of the entire 2011 collection.

After revealing the winner we will mount a smashing Jobe Hilarious Blooper Contest Movie consisting of all the submitted blooper fragments. So who knows, your blooper might become world famous! Of course Jobe will ensure the film will be distributed on the internet so nobody has to miss it.

The only thing you need to do in order to have a chance winning the contest and to contribute to the Jobe Hilarious Blooper Movie is following the next steps:
  1. Search through your archives and find the most hilarious water sports blooper. (Of course you can also stage the blooper)
  2. Surf to  
  3. Click on the button: ‘Contest Instructions’ and read the conditions and requirements for uploading the video and / or picture.

Send us your water sports blooper and become the winner of this unique contest!

You have until the 31st of December to upload your blooper or to possibly stage the blooper!!


Team Jobe eagerly awaits your submissions….

The Jobe Hilarious Blooper Contest!
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